Bright Smile Dental

Best Dentists in Brooklyn, NY: Dr. Vadim and Dr. Vera Khrakovsky

CEREC Crowns: Same-Day Restorations

Introduction to Cerec Crowns

At Bright Smile Dental Office, we’ve been providing exceptional dental care since our establishment in 1992. Today, we want to shed light on the numerous benefits of CEREC technology when it comes to dental crowns and restorations. CEREC, which stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, has transformed restorative dentistry. In this blog, we’ll explore the advantages of CEREC Crown technology, with a particular focus on its convenience and precision.

Speed and Convenience

Traditional dental crown procedures often require multiple appointments, which can be quite time-consuming. During the initial visit, impressions are taken, and a temporary crown is placed. Patients then face a waiting period while a dental laboratory crafts their permanent crown, which can take days or even weeks. With CEREC technology, we simplify the entire process into a single visit. Utilizing advanced 3D imaging and CAD/CAM technology, we can design, mill, and place a custom Cerec crown right in our office. This means no more waiting, no need for temporary crowns, and no additional appointments – just efficient, same-day results.

Digital Precision of Cerec Crowns

CEREC technology employs digital impressions, eliminating the need for messy and uncomfortable traditional impressions. These digital scans are incredibly accurate, ensuring a perfect fit for your crown. Furthermore, the precision of CEREC crown technology means that we remove less of your natural tooth structure during the preparation phase, preserving more of your tooth’s integrity. This precision leads to improved long-term oral health and enhanced aesthetics.

Aesthetics and Natural Look

One of the standout advantages of CEREC crowns is their aesthetic appeal. These crowns are crafted from high-quality ceramic materials that closely mimic the appearance of natural teeth. We can customize the color and shade of the crown to match your existing teeth, ensuring a seamless blend with your smile. The result is a restoration that is virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth, enhancing your overall appearance.

Headshot of Dr. Vadim Khrakovsky in Scrubs
"Illustration of CEREC Process: Scan, Design, Mill, and Insertion

Durability and Strength of Cerec Crowns

CEREC crowns are known for their durability and strength. The ceramic materials used not only provide exceptional aesthetics but also outstanding resilience. They can withstand the forces of biting and chewing just like natural teeth. This means that your CEREC crown will not only look great but also last for many years, providing excellent value for your investment in dental care.

Minimally Invasive

CEREC technology is not only known for its speed and precision but also for its minimally invasive approach. During the crown preparation process, we remove only the damaged or decayed portion of your tooth, preserving more of your natural tooth structure. This conservative approach not only maintains the structural integrity of your tooth but also reduces the risk of post-procedure sensitivity.

By choosing CEREC crowns, you’re not only benefiting from the convenience and aesthetics but also from a dental restoration method that prioritizes preserving your natural teeth. It’s a win-win situation for your oral health and overall well-being.


At Bright Smile Dental Office, we believe in offering our patients the best in dental care. CEREC technology perfectly aligns with our commitment to patient health and convenience. With CEREC crowns, you can enjoy same-day dental restorations that are not only convenient but also highly accurate, aesthetically pleasing, and long-lasting. Say goodbye to multiple appointments and temporary crowns, and say hello to a brighter, healthier smile in just one visit. If you’re in need of dental crowns or restorations, consider the advantages of CEREC  crowns technology and experience the future of dentistry at our office.